Tuna Floggings

1 Conversation

Case of the Fish Floggings

SAN DIEGO-Within the month of June 1999, two so called "tuna beatings" have taken place, raising questions about the safety of whole tunas being available for purchase without proper clearance. I am not making this up!!! I'm sure most people have heard something about those crazy Californians and their fish: the most recent case, an assault by one man on another in a shopping center parking lot, eerily mimics the first, a case of domestic violence, when a man used a recently purchased frozen tuna to slap his girlfriend in the grocery store parking lot.

The most recent case is being taken to court, the defence being "the tuna wasn't frozen!" No, it wasn't frozen, but it was hard enough to land the person it hit in the hospital. He is currently in fair but stable condition. We send our condolences.

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