Castle Mushneg, meeting place of the Samurai of h2g2
Created | Updated Mar 10, 2003
Welcome to Castle Mushneg, situated on Isle Honshu, off the coast of Terrania. This is the meeting place of the Samurai of h2g2. We are kind of a brother organisation to the Knights of h2g2. There is friendly rivalry between the two groups, though of course there are no rules against joining both. When we get some more members, we hope to have regular good-natured battles (honourable, of course) against the Knights in the Field of Honour. This group also accepts Ninja.
Things To Do
In the Castle
Castle Mushneg is quite large, and contains numerous areas. The lowest area is the dungeon. The door to the dungeon is sealed by a pair of 50 inch titanium magickally sealed doors to which only the Shogun (currently Hussassan), Master Ninja, and individuals with special permission may enter. Anyone else may only enter if the Shogun, Master Ninja, or one with such permission is present.
Above the dungeon is the wine cellar, though it is mainly used to store saké. Adjoining this room is the armoury - any weapons and armour that you desire may be found here. All others require special permission from at least two of these and they must be aware of each other. There is another door here, leading to the magickal weapons. This room is restricted to the Shogun, Master Blacksmith, Master Armourer, Arch Wizard, Master Ninja and bearers of the weapons. For others, permission must be obtained from at least two of the first four and they must be aware of each other.
Said magickal weapons are as follows: FireSword, IceSword, LightSword, DarkSword, DragonSword, BloodSword, DeadSword, and Daikatana. The Daikatana is the exclusive right if the Shogun, and he or she will decide who gets to use the other magickal ones
Above here we have the Dining Hall, Recreation Area, Infirmiry, Studies, and Forge and Magick Research Zones. Access to the Magick Reearch Zones is restricted to Wizards, the Shogun, and Master Ninja. Access to the Forge is at the Discretion of the Master Blacksmith and Master Armourer. You can do as you wish here, but try to keep the place reasonably tidy.
Above here we have the bedrooms. Do as you like here, but don't disturb anyone who's sleeping.
The Grounds
The grounds around Castle Pikachu contain numerous large, fragrant, beautiful, relaxing gardens, which are always kept in perfect condition by servant spirits. Don't worry about them - they like what they do. There are a number of mazes built in - for a real challenge, check out the Infinite Maze - it changes every four seconds, abd it is said that only one who is truly worthy of on of the seven magickal weapons. Note also that there are numerous daemons lurking within some mazes (particularly the infinite one) to make things more interesting.
Code Of Honour
All Samurai and Ninja must obey the following Code of Honour.
1)It is dishonourable to use your Samurai powers to get free or discount goods and/or services unless a)You have made a bona fide attempt to pay full price, b)Your life would otherwise be in danger, or c)You really want to.
2)It is dishonourable to simply walk up behind and stab in the back someone of a similar or lesser strength than you. (Ninja are exempt from this rule in certain cases)
3)It is dishonourable to repeatedly attack someone when they are offline unless they do it to you.
4)It is dishonourable to challenge someone weaker than you to a fight but it is honourable to accept a challenge from the same person.
5)It is perfectly honourable to defeat someone a lot stronger than you in every way by the sneakiest, dirtiest, most underhanded tactics you can think of.
6)It is dishonourable to back out of a fight once you've accepted it unless you have a very good reason.
7)It is dishonourable to break the laws of continuity
It is dishonourable in the extreme to insult Douglas Adams.
Breaking this code of honour will result in various actions being taken, including a stern talking to, confisction of weapons, and harakiri. Forgiveness can be obtained from the Shogun. I'm a pretty forgiving kind of guy, so you shouldn't have many problems there.