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Every woman from the age of eighteen to sixty can benefit from the creative and informative fashion magazine Cosmopolitan. Women can read articles relating to fashion, makeup, what men want, how to be better friends and the dirtiest things you can do in bed. There is a huge range of information that this magazine delivers to females but some women believe it to be "trashy" and "tacky". When compared to the male version of this magazine, Maxim, Cosmo is certainly not trashy. There are no naked men on the cover or for that matter hardly anywhere inside the magazine either. In many women’s opinion Maxim is Playboy just rated R instead of NC-17. Every ad in the magazine as well as the cover and most of the photography that accompanies the stories are almost completely naked women. Cosmo's articles show almost all women wearing everyday clothing because females can relate to them, and learn how to wear their clothes and how to add accessories. Since Cosmo was founded women have subscribed annually or ran to the grocery store to pick up the monthly addition that just hit the newsstands. The magazine has everything, personal stories of cancer survivors, what the stars are up to, sex and love advice, news features, advice about life and work, health and fitness, beauty and fashion, and women’s astrology. What more can women ask for? Other magazines are out there but none that hit the target audience like Cosmo does. It appeals to women of all budgets, backgrounds, and body shape. Cosmo in some women’s mind can be seen as the Holy Bible for women of the new millennium.

Prof. Burnham's english class entry.
Lisa Cutler

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