A Conversation for Talking Point: Your Favourite 'Hitchhiker' Moment
you're not going to like it
olsonswede Started conversation Mar 13, 2003
Deep Thought telling the superior race which creating him that they "Were not going to like the answer" to life the universe and everything. And then, of course, the crowning achievment... 42!
Before I read the book I thought the answer might be zero, you can imagine my relief.
you're not going to like it
Goyahkla Posted Mar 13, 2003
In Arthur C. Clarke's Rama series, in the last part (Rama Revealed), the leading character gets shown the secrets of the Galaxy.
It still impresses me that her reply to the invitation is: "Does the number 42 mean anything to you?"
you're not going to like it
Amy Posted Mar 16, 2003
I put down 42 for evry answer I didn't know in maths GCSE, and i got a C so maybe it realy is the answer to life, the universe and everything ... and maths GCSE.
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you're not going to like it
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."