A Conversation for Talking Point: Your Favourite 'Hitchhiker' Moment

Peanuts, and SEP field

Post 1

Connie L

Can't quote anything, as - shame on me - I haven't memorised the whole thing yet, unlike so many around here, and it is the second time that the whole serie disappear from my shelves and into an endless chain of friends borrowing it from each others...


Just to mention the explanation about peanut containing exactly what your body needs for travelling through hyperspace. It pops to my mind anytime I am in a plane, and they hand you napkins, peanuts and soft-drinks.

That, and the terrible fate of those passengers stuck in that plane for milleniums, waiting for lemon-soaked napkins...

I am travelling a lot... I am in a plane almost every second week.


And I am worried to say that I have proofs of the absolute power of the Somebody Else Problem effect making things invisible. Everyday...

Peanuts, and SEP field

Post 2

Tigger, Bouncy and stupid

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