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well id planned to write some song words in here.. but just have no time tonite but will write some in , in the near future ,, well todays been a busy one ,, brought a new car ... had dinner at me mums house ,, and been running around like a mad person and still not got round to doing the housework and now im on the fone to jon ,, and feeling pretty hyper ,, ive gotta get up early for work, but no doubt i wont be able to sleep ...... again ,, could do with a drink but .. dont wanna feel rough in the morning if only i h
ad some port <port> to drink ,,,, bet the port icon doesnt work lol anyway best carry on talking to jon ,,, will try and put soome more in tomorrow,, not that anyone will reply ,, but never mind someone may read one day!!!!! love kate <love>

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