The Campaign for stopping people eating FISH
Created | Updated Sep 21, 2005
<fish>, posibly the most graceful creatures on the whole globe, are being attrociously attacked all across the world.
From early on in the Earths history fish have been eaten, attacked and abused. I admit, the gorgeous aroma of these wonderful creatures cooking over a hot grill, or in a vat of boiling oil is enough to make even me hungry, but this attrocity must S T O P!
1) Tell the world about the mystery of the glorious creatures
2) Make the world understand what fish can do for them
3) Stop the world from eating fish
If you would like to help stop this attrociuos behaviour from occuring, join the fight, and join the Clan <fish> and reply to this posting with the Subject: CFNEF (Campaign For Not Eating Fish), Think up a brilliant name something like "Head Fish and leader of the free fish worlds" (except not that one, thats mine!)
May we all live in a Sushi free world and not eat Caviar (like those Russians whom may not be mentioned within the grand leader's presence!).
Yours sincerely,
Lord Fish and leader of the free fish worlds
AKA <fish>