The Art of Shaving Your Patient

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The Razor’s Edge

The Art of Shaving Your Patient’s Face

Shaving is a meaningful part of activities of daily living. Proper shaving is essential in maintaining good personal hygiene for your patient. Shaving also gives the patient a better feeling of his/her personal appearance.

Personal Hygiene
When someone is placed in a health care facility (i.e. hospital, nursing home, and rehab facility) it involves more to the person than just diagnostic testing and medicines. The basic fundamental needs of this person must be met on a daily basis. These essential needs are termed activities of daily living (grooming, shaving, and bathing). While bathing removes most off the daily accumulated dirt and bacteria from the skin, particles can remain on a person’s hair follicle. Shaving can reduce the surface area on which bacteria can accumulate. Shaving also gives the patient a better feeling of his/her personal appearance. Studies have shown that patients who feel better about their outward appearance actually heal faster.

Let the Razor Begin!

Before beginning you will need a few supplies. Optimally you should obtain the

(2) dry bath towels
(2) wash cloths
(1) razor (facilities tend to rely on disposable razors)
(1) can of shaving cream
(1) basin
(1) bottle of moisturizing lotion
(1) bottle of after shave (unless contraindicated)

Begin by placing your patient in a high fowler’s position (sitting position).

Fill the basin warm water (104-106) approximately half way. Add 30cc of the moisturizing lotion to your water. Place the basin of lotion and water on the bedside table. Soak your wash cloths in the warm water. Place one of your towels over the patient’s chest. Take one of the wash cloths from the water and soak your patients face. This will open the pores and soften the beard. Apply a generous amount of shaving cream over the area that is to be shaven. Use care in the application of the shaving cream to avoid contact with the patient’s eyes and mouth.

Use a new razor for each shave to ensue proper sharpness of the blades. You may begin at any point of the covered area. However, it is easier to work from left to right or right to left, starting from the base of the desired side burns, just in front of the ear. When shaving your patient shave in a lateral motion. In some instances it is necessary to shave in an ascending motion. It is pertinent that you use extreme caution when shaving in an ascending motion with the razor. The more experience you have in shaving will dictate when it is appropriate to use an ascending motion versus a descending motion.

If your patient has wrinkles it is necessary to straighten the wrinkled skin out as much as possible with your free hand. Use care when doing this to avoid pinching your patient. The type of medication that your patient is on is also a factor that must be taken into consideration. If you have a patient who is on either heparin or coumadin you may want to option for the electric razor. Heparin and coumadin are anticoagulants. If you break the skin while shaving it will take a longer period of time for them to stop bleeding.

If you can assist your patient with personal hygiene, it may reduce the amount of time the person stays in the healthcare facility. If you enable him/her to feel better about their outward appearance, you can make their stay much more comfortable. The one on one time that occurs during the task of shaving will help you to build a bond of trust and confidence with your patient.

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