Albright 102LIT contributers
Created | Updated Feb 25, 2003
Choice of topic
As the scope is endless, it probably makes the choice harder but basically go for one of the following:
1. something you love and feel passionate about.
2. something that you happen to be an expert on - can be anything from choosing the right potato peeler to buying a car
3. something that intruiges you and you would enjoy discussing the ins and outs of the topic
4. something that someone else has written about that inspires you.
and failing the four above:
5. something chosen totally at random (out of the dictionary?) with the committment that you will write 400 on that subject. Amazing how necessity can focus the mind.
Choice of whether to have a partner or not.
Depends on if it feels right and if you can trust that person to work well with you. You need to share the work and not have one person lumbered with all of it. Also your styles must mesh well so it will involve close work together.
Choice of Title
Try to make it snappy, witty, intruiging and clear and also not too long. Remember people will be choosing between whether to read yours or a million others.
Choice of style.
As you will have noticed, the only style acceptable in this Guide is the scientific analytical one. Define your terms, your boundaries and then get down to detailed analysis - whichever way it goes and try to make it exhaustive - ie say everything you can think of on the subject. Do NOT make it personal - keep it objective but that's not to say you can't draw on your own personal experience. Length can be what you like but seems to need to be at least 400 words.
Choice of text.
Plain text seems the easiest to use but if you have time to check out how to use the other and add links, pics, good headers etc. then go for it.
Choice of attitude.
Enjoy it! You can at last write on anything you like and get credit for it. Feel joy that you have such a fun teacher that would set such a jolly assignment.