PEZ: The Ultimate Foodstuff

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PEZ is, at it's core being, brightly colored small blocks of compressed sugar and a touch of fruit flavor.
But it's so much more than that.

PEZ allows one to fully explore the posibilities of foodstuff and bad eating habits. For example, a few PEZ
in the middle of the workday make one forget that lunch has been missed, therefore sharpening the
dinner appetite. Movement into dinnertime prompts one to eat a few more PEZ, releasing
the desire to eat a well balanced meal. By late evening you realize you haven't eaten a substaintial thing
all day, but you feel strangely at peace and calm with yourself and those around you.

The PEZ-Zen phenomenom is a widely documented event causing most frequently nausea, giddiness, and thirst.
In some extreme cases religious visions, euphoria, the desire to create a new programming
language, etc.

The distribution method of PEZ has given birth to yet another cult-like following: the dispensers.
Over the years, PEZ dispensers have mimiced just about everything in real life, along with fictitious
characters and personas from movies and comics. Brightly colored plastic injection molded into a
smiling pumpkin or a Stormtrooper shape is hard to resist on the shelf, making PEZ one of the
most attractive foodstuff that has almost zero nutritional value.

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