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GranditsPrime is a medium cruiser/transport ship run by lieutenantsmiley - smiley - my lonly heart

an artists impresion of the GrandistPrime

a picture of GraditsPrime during a peacekeeping operation


sublight: 2 ion-injection absorbtion turbines (50% of weapons energy is disapated towards the engines to provide more power and deal out less damage)

hyperdrive: sinar systems imperial hyperdrive


first defence: layer: earley warning missle detection with subharmonic counter mesures

second defence: layer: super reflextive multi facited shimmering sheilds(weak sheilds that reflected 80% of laser fire but let missles and strong blasts pass though

third defence layer: mon calarimi sheilds to absorb any weapons that the shimmering sheilds let in(sheild capacitors linked to absorbtion turbines)

forth defence layer: super reflextive tri-strongium armour


6 turbolaser batteries

4 multi phaseing-target adjusting light cutters (5th degree)

4 dual molecular cutter banks

distruptor banks

10 million 5-killaton effect nano missles

anti capitol ship smart-bombs (equiped with artifical intellegentence units so they are cunning and clever; they feel hatred,vengance and alligance- they will always hit the weakest part of the target)


10-killawatt tractor beam

dual ion cannons (same power as the one used by the rebels in the ice bath-hoth)

comunicatons and sensors

sub-ether net broadcastor

tachion partical detectors

light speed shadow detection unit

multi phasing translucifacation spread beam

docking bays

3 e-wing starfighters moified with proton bombs and seismic mines

MLH personal starfighter UltimusGrand

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