Douglas Adams

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We needed some words. For the page of our Wordsmith.

But he was egregiously busy - not to mention fashionably late.

So we devised a cunning plan, to produce some words of our own - as skewed
and fresh and frisky as Douglas Adams himself might produce. It would take
desperate measures to reproduce the conditions required in an ordinary
mortal. One of our number, whose mind is as a steel trap, suggested sleep

So here we are. Or rather, to be more accurate, here I am. 38 hours
without sleep. I've gone through 'the wall' and seem to be operating on
pure adrenaline now. At least I think it's adrenaline - it's all blue and
it's falling out of my ears. There's no chance of running out of it though,
because the rabbits are collecting it for me, in their tiny kilts, and even
now ready themselves to pour it back in through my eyes.

Initial indications suggest we may have gone too far over to the other side
in our experiment, and I am merely producing gibberish. That's as maybe.
Whatever happens, and if this letter should find you in rude health, just
remember that Douglas is a hugely busy man, and will contribute to the Guide
just as soon as he can. Please remember, however, that he has already
contributed more than anyone else ever can.

So please be understanding. If not for me, then for the sake of the
rabbits. They're young, and they don't understand.

But I'm sure you do.

After all, I used to come here when it was all just fields.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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