The Applications Department [AD]

4 Conversations

The AD is the place to be if you want to well... apply for something! In front of you is a huge hexagonal table: it is a thick and hard-wooded, and has been smoothed with age. On top of this is a large map. It is beautifully crafted: like the maps of olde, replete with waving mermaids and fiercesome underwater creatures. Also illustrated upon the map are detailed depictions of each of the Terranic Islands.

But this department is more than just a pretty map. On the walls, corresponding with side of the table is a door. Inscribed on the door, is a Roman Numeral. It is quite plain to see that this door opens up half-way down as well: allowing the ever-friendly employee to pop their head round to accept or decline applications. On each door is a bell, with a small clanger with which to make a noise to attract said employee's attention. Each bell on each door varies in size: so the employee knows which door to go to.

So what can you do here?

I: Well, you can apply for a job somewhere on one of the islands: just start a conversation below.

II: You can apply for a house over on the housing island, or a plot of land to buy your own!

III: Need to book into the Hospital: here is the place!

IV: Want to get into the Terranian Military?

V: Feel a need to roam the wilderness, and possibly encounter the dangers within?

VI: Do you want to start up your own business?

If you want to wander Terrania however: you can go out that way!

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