Baffod Zeeblebox : The Headless Donkey

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"So you want to know about our little headless donkey, Baffod Zeeblebox do you?", said Andrei to the enquiring man on his left. The man nodded respectfully.

"Well it was Jale Malone who named him. You see he was a big fan of that Douglas Adams book, the highwaymans guide to Germany or something like that. Anyway when he saw that the donkey had no head when it was born, he thought it would be ironic if he named it after his favourite character from the book, who had two heads. Unfortunately Jale, had a nack for drinking everyone elses celebratory drinks, and so was very drunk senor, and given he was not very good at spelling anyway, they called him Baffod Zeeblebox. Of course when we realised that the donkey had come out backwards, and the head was attached to the otherside, the name seemed a bit pointless. But still Jale was quite fond of it, so it stuck."

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