Words and Music - Wordshare at the Polish Society.

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The well known and respected literary events hosted by Wordshare are already a popular attraction on the Glasgow literary scene and now the man behind the events Alan Falconer tells me that an even more attractive gig is to be held by the Wordshare group at the Polish Social & Educational Society on Saturday 31st July.
As well as the usual blend of poetry and prose read by members in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, Alan says that the event will also include a range of good music and that some open floor spots will be available to writers and musicians who want to share their work with others.
This is a free event and doors at the Polish Society will be open from 7.00pm with the event scheduled for a 7.30pm start. The society is located at 5 Parkgrove Terrace(near the Kelvin Lorne Hotel)
Further details can be obtained from Alan Falconer on 0141 954 3279.

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