A Conversation for

hmmmm at least i have curves n aint just tits on a stick!!!

Post 361


heifer indeed....im not fat..im err voluptuos ..smiley - laugh

I have curves. Just only up top...and I've got muscles like Arnie so watch it!

Post 362

Colonel Codpiece

I said 'smells like'...didn't hear you deny that stinky!!smiley - tongueout

I've wound you up, now go shout at them!smiley - laugh

I have curves. Just only up top...and I've got muscles like Arnie so watch it!

Post 363


youve not wound me up..smiley - tongueout
n theyre not bein too bad at the mo..cant shout for no reason...smiley - erm
well maybe later..just for fun smiley - devil

Is that a challenge?

Post 364


Quiet in heresmiley - erm

Is that a challenge?

Post 365


I leave you alone for two minutes and you're having a slanging matchsmiley - erm

Hugster: Got a link for P.I.N.T.Ssmiley - biggrin

Why? You think you can take me?!grrrrr

Post 366

Colonel Codpiece

Well, normally we'd throw it al at you.smiley - tongueout

Its A123456.smiley - biggrin

Do you think we should actually start a P.I.N.T.S?smiley - laugh That would be evil...

Why? You think you can take me?!grrrrr

Post 367


Fun though! ..smiley - devil but what would pints actually stand for?

Why? You think you can take me?!grrrrr

Post 368

Colonel Codpiece

It's People Incensed by Noncey Twatty Snackage.smiley - biggrin There is room for improvement...smiley - laugh

Why? You think you can take me?!grrrrr

Post 369


you had to think of that quickly didnt you..just so it would fit..smiley - laugh

definately start a page i think..collaraborative effort by the
terrorist group known only as the folders four..smiley - laugh

Why? You think you can take me?!grrrrr

Post 370

Colonel Codpiece

No. I thought of it a couple of hours ago.smiley - cry

FFFFF 'FoLDers Four - Fighting For Filthyness'...that's what they're like when I just made them up.smiley - laugh

You do know we'd be completely ostracized?smiley - erm

Why? You think you can take me?!grrrrr

Post 371


whats new there then? smiley - erm not exactly that popular are we..if we were surely we wouldnt all be huddling in this corner hatching plots to piss everyone else off! smiley - laugh

Who cares about being ostracized by that buch of half witted knob head nancy girls anyway? smiley - devil

Why? You think you can take me?!grrrrr

Post 372

Colonel Codpiece

I don't want to piss _everyone_ off, I 'd just like the Bar to be hilarious again. We were all having a hoot for a while...

Still itching to strangle BLJ?smiley - laugh I'm still sure SLE is his alter-ego...

Why? You think you can take me?!grrrrr

Post 373


I dont wanna piss everyone of either..i was just being warped again..smiley - laugh

i sear he as goding me this morning..little pratt! smiley - grr it wont be a laugh again unless we can get rid of you know who..or at least gag her n chuck her in the cellar! few other might pose a prob too..hmmm i ran in shouted GRRRRRRRAAAGGGH n ran out again earlier just for fun..n everyone just ignored me! ..apart from the unnamable..who just askedif i wnted anything to drink!..<grr shes got a bloosy buffet in there! ttherell be clean floors next

Why? You think you can take me?!grrrrr

Post 374


spose we could just do what we always did n show em how its done smiley - erm

Why? You think you can take me?!grrrrr

Post 375

Colonel Codpiece

smiley - ermYeah, but we seem to scare away the more fragile customers. We could just claim a room or two again so the nuttier arrivals can join us and the rest can go in the Bar thread. Well, that's the theory...

Why? You think you can take me?!grrrrr

Post 376


then the more fragile cusiomers probly shouldnt be there in the first place!..smiley - erm lets bagsy the ghost room ..i just said bagsy didnt i smiley - yikes

...and your mates

Post 377


smiley - erm
The FoLDers Foursmiley - biggrin
We want piss-ups and we want them now!

I do like this threadsmiley - biggrin

Big man eh? June 21st, 12 midnight, your local. Biting allowed.

Post 378

Colonel Codpiece

Freedom from the tyranny of finger buffets!!

It is a good thread innit? Makes me go all warm and tingly...

Wait a minute I've just bombed my boobs.smiley - yikes

Big man eh? June 21st, 12 midnight, your local. Biting allowed.

Post 379


we want pukey ashtrays, we want unreliable bar staff who spit in your pint or worse..we want no food served unless its inedible n will probably kill you ! we want ..A PUB! smiley - erm

Big man eh? Well yeah What about onatopps?

Post 380


Yeah and we want them NOW!!!

...and freedom from the smiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - bigeyes smileys all in a row

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