The 1987 - 88 Fiat Uno 45

2 Conversations

Learning to drive

My first car was a Fiat Uno 45.

To give you a rough idea of it's condition, I bought it at the end of october.
It is now the middle of the following February and so far I have replaced:

The Engine
The Gear box
Both Wing Mirrors
The Exhaust (front and back sections)
And a whole range of other parts.

It's features include a glove compartment spacious enough for at least 1 1/2 gloves, A lovely view of the road through the hole that the gear stick comes through, and an exhaust with more holes than a golf course.

Of course, like most people, I hold a certain soft spot for my first car. It got me from here (southampton) to London and back, to Cambridge and back, and has given me my first taste of real freedom. It gave me the sense that i could go anywhere, I just wanted to drive it until there wasn't any road left to drive on. That little car looked great in my eyes, and with a lot of TLC and time spent on it, it became a reasonable car. I hope I've helped it to give someone else that sense of freedom.

So, would I reccomend anyone buying a 1988 Fiat Uno 45?

I've just bought myself a Rover.

Rob Pannell
The World of Kaine

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