A Conversation for The h2g2 Winter Party 2003 Caption Competition!

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Post 21


smiley - erm...
Ok, she's got a point... quick change the charges to leaking state secrets!

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Post 22


So you admit to being guilty then?

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Post 23

Lifson Kofie

smiley - erm..if you're sure! But how can you be a state?

(by the way - I'm only doing AS-level Law y'know - the vocabulary came from my English A-Level from the last two years!!!)

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Post 24

Lifson Kofie

My client wishes to express no comment on the matter of his guilt or innocence.

So there smiley - nahnah!

(trust me on this one Whisky)

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Post 25


smiley - erm I thought Abi was being tried here and we were the ones being trying

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Post 26


Yes but when you wanted to change the charge it became obvious you were tyring to hide your own guilt!

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Post 27


Now I see why no other pictures showing our corner appeared till now. Good job we all look so smiley - spacesmiley - space sober
*decides to retaliate*
*contacts Max Clifford*
*phones CZJ for name of good lawyer on privacy intrusion*

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Post 28

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

smiley - erm Might it not have been helpful telling us where to post our captions - I'm *assuming* on the page for each photo...

smiley - shark

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Post 29

Lifson Kofie

Whisky is right. As the prosecution, he is not the one on trial - which is why we are issuing no comment.

However - should he wish to drop the charges of defamation, and issue new ones of leaking state secrets, I believe he is free to do so.

Abi - how do you plead dammit!?!

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Post 30


I am sorry, I thought that was obvious.

smiley - ermDoes it need spelling out?

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Post 31


Did you actually *read* the page? smiley - doh

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Post 32

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Yes I did *read* the page.smiley - grr

It isn't obvious to me, smiley - sorry and all that...Might just be me...

smiley - shark

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Post 33


I will add something to all the relevant pages.

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Post 34


smiley - yikes I hope the last two posts were aimed at smiley - shark... otherwise we'll have to add
"'aving a go at my defenseless little lawyer oo's never 'armed anyone in er life"
to the list of charges... smiley - winkeye

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Post 35

Lifson Kofie

Yes I have. However - Whisky decides what he wasts do do, what he wants to charge you with, whatever, and I'm just the one who makes sure he gets his own way!!! smiley - winkeye

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Post 36


The fact that Blues Shark was part of the last caption competition that we did and managed ok that time seems to have escaped His Blondness entirely. smiley - erm

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Post 37

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Hmm, that was a long time ago...

smiley - shark

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Post 38

Lifson Kofie

That's right Whisky - we're the prosecution, Abi's the defense!!!

And as for never harming anyone in my life...smiley - erm

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Post 39



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Post 40


smiley - ermIs it my imagination or is this thread getting confusing...

Mina smiley - cross stop winding Blues Shark up while I'm trying to wind Abi up smiley - winkeye

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