Computer Programming

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Computer Programming is the art of making everybody think how clever you are by describing the complexities of the computer in up to date jargon that nobody (except other programmers) ever understands, while all the time you sit around and drink tea all day party all night and let the computer program itself.


Programmers come in various types depending on which language they speak, they vary in intelligence, from Machine Code, down to Visual Basic.

The following is a guide only as some programmers insist on sticking to languages that they learnt when they were in school.

Most Intelligent (Possibly) Machine Code,
Least Intelligent (Probably) Visual Basic,

Things you should know aboput programmers,

If they tell you it will take a month, it will probably take about an hour.

Many earn far more than they are worth and most are milking the millenium bug before everyone realises that it never really existed anyway.

Programming is easy, its the ideas that are hard, (as any games programmer after a few pints down the local, but, dont forget you'll be buying).

Never underestimate the power of 'bull'.

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