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The <SITEFILTER> tag lets you tailor your Personal Space to look different on different sites powered by the DNA engine. This might be useful if you are a member of two quite different DNA sites, and want your Space to say different things depending on where your Space is being visited from.

This tag only works in Personal Space Introductions; it will be ignored in articles. As a result this tag does not form part of Approved GuideML.

Syntax and Usage

Optional attributes are shown in italics.


<SITE NAME="...sitename..."/>
<SITE NAME="...sitename..."/>






Here's how to use the <SITEFILTER> tag:

  • If EXCLUDE="1" is present then the content will be shown in all DNA sites except for the ones listed in the <SITE> tags. If it is not present, then the content will only be shown in the DNA sites listed.

  • The <SITE> tags each take a ...sitename... argument, giving the name of a DNA site (the name of a DNA site can be found from the URL of that site, which starts with and should be in lower case). You can include multiple <SITE> tags if you want to filter content over a number of DNA sites.

  • The ...content... section can contain any GuideML that can be used inside the <BODY>...</BODY> section.

Known Issues


Example One

The following example will display the relevant content in both h2g2 and 360 (but not in other DNA sites).

<SITE NAME="h2g2"/>
<SITE NAME="360"/>
This will be displayed in 360 and h2g2.

Example Two

The following example will display the relevant content in all DNA sites except h2g2.

<SITE NAME="h2g2"/>
This will not be displayed in h2g2.

Further Information

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