(wannabe) Goths vs Townies/trendies

1 Conversation

Ok i've been a Goth for three years (ok maybe not that long) and i am sick of hearing moans from some ( i guess SOME being the keyword) other Goths, mostly youngers ones but not all to blame, about townies or trendies - the popular fashion followers. And quite frankly i am disgusted.

I know Goths get alot of prejustice from society. I think teenage Goths in particularly find it hard to walk down the street without receiving possible unpleasant comments and possibly some stares from normal people often know as Townies or trendies. But if you are choosing to dress in such a mordid, dramatic, extreme way you have to kind of expect this. Ok normal people may find it hard to understand the Goth scene and there for make assumptions and ideas particularly from media. ( now a days often from Coronation street! aaaaarrrrggggggggghhhhhh!)

I've heard Goths going on about how said it is that Townies/trendies follow the trends like sheep and how at least Goths are being orignal.

Excuse me but GOTH itself IS a trend. It started in the 80's with punk bands such as The Cure and Sioxsie and the banshees taking a more darker, more mysterious appoach to the music. Wearing black and other dark colours are to create mystery and to create a statement that things seen as ugly, terrifying, dark and painful can be the most beautiful. There's clubs, pubs, bars, shops and a whole lifestyle behind Goth. Now tell me it is not a trend!

Now a days it is hard to be truly orignal with any style of subculture. Goth stopped being orignal ages ago. Especially with the truly Goth seen being drowned within the stereotypical image that the media has made for the mainstream with millions of people sworming around in black band hoodies, black trousers and crowding around the Slipknot, Marilyn Manson and HIM cds in HMV.

I for one has given up on all thoughts of myself being orignal and just know myself as me and my stuff as what i like. I do not bother to shop in only shops that have skulls and bats painted on the outside. I shop where i see something i like and that sometimes is in highstreet shops!

Goths get enough prejustice as it is so why not keep an opinion mind and just let people follow fashion if that's what they enjoy?

I used to like to follow fashion once so i would be a bit of a hyprocrite if i was to declare war against other fashion follower now wouldn't i?

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