A Conversation for A Meet In Birmingham..

I've said this before but...

Post 1


There are folk from other hootoo tribes who would love to come (especially our Northern bretheren) but will only be able to manage it if it's on a Saturday night...

I've said this before but...

Post 2


oooh ta for saying that again! I read it, went to reply and then couldn't find it again (OK I'm a moron!!!) unfortunatly I don't think we can move it, (though I'd love too) because severale people could only make weekends and several more could only make weekdays.. so we sort comprosied on Friday..

I'd be interested to know what others thought of moving it htough

smiley - sorrysmiley - grovel for losing this smiley - blush

I've said this before but...

Post 3


Granny Weatherwax amongst others of the Flat Cap & Whippet tribe (I went to the Manchester Mini-Meet last week, quite a few are ex-Brummies y'see, Metal Chicken, Phil, they're up for it or would be on a weekend...)

I've said this before but...

Post 4


Oooh I see.... that would be great if we could.. I'll drop around the user pages of the people who oringally said they could only make a friday,.

Sorry for missing this the first time! I did spend ages looking for it! smiley - blush

I've said this before but...

Post 5


It's OK - well, we'll see what happens it's only an idea, and we could make it either (a) an all weekender for those that can (I live on the outer circle so it's easy for me) or have the Saturday night one another time (as this is the first and all)

I've said this before but...

Post 6

Mu Beta

Saturday would be a lot easier for me.


I've said this before but...

Post 7

Mu Beta

On a different note:

1) Are we going to book (a bit of) the pub? If this many people turn up, they may want to put on extra staff etc.

2) Is somebody going to try and talk and italic into coming? It always adds a bit of prestige.smiley - winkeye

3) Can I run the quiz? Please, please, please.


I've said this before but...

Post 8


1.. I don't know the pub, but this many people... we have 15 at the moment, not that large a party.. and a lot of people have said that they're only maybes..

2. smiley - erm I'm not sure how to talk an italic into coming..

3. Of course you can run the quiz!

I've said this before but...

Post 9


smiley - sorry to be so insipid! but I've never organised a meet before smiley - blush or been to one!

I've said this before but...

Post 10

Mu Beta

1) I would've thought, if you want a quiz, then you'll need a bit of co-operation from the pub so we can use their sound system. Even if you don't book, it would be as well to give them a ring in advance and see what they think about 20 people descending on the pub and running their own quiz etc. Most pubs are really helpful, as they know they'll sell a lot of beer. But it's definitely worth getting in touch with them.

2) Wander down to their personal space and ask them. I'll do it if you want.smiley - biggrin


I've said this before but...

Post 11


Oooh could you please smiley - grovel, good idea about the asking the pub, especially if we're using thier sound system, I never realised that the quiz was a definate event till a few minutes ago smiley - blush I'll give them a ring now..

I've said this before but...

Post 12


smiley - biggrin that was easy!!!!!!!!! I've rung the Hogshead and have researved the backroom for the Saturday, they don't have a sound system but they can switch the music off in the backroom if we ask them!

I've said this before but...

Post 13

Mu Beta


If you want, I can bring along a small sound rig for the quiz.


I've said this before but...

Post 14


Ooooh smiley - ta what an excellent idea.. in full Mr Burns stylee.. have you manage to acquire any italics yet?

I've said this before but...

Post 15

Mu Beta

I've left a general invitation on the 'h2g2 editors' page, so I don't have to trawl round and invite them all separately.

I would be fairly optimistic about one of them turning up - Mark Moxon once travelled all the way up the Scottish meet.


I've said this before but...

Post 16


smiley - wow I never thought we'd be graced with a the presence of an editor..

I've said this before but...

Post 17


Oh and DaSilva... vogonpoet is offering lifts from Manchester... so as we seem to be 99% set on Saturday now.. maybe you could tell the Manchester peeps..

(vogon's U number is U174321)

I've said this before but...

Post 18


You don't need a sound system for the quiz, the last Nodnol meet was the first time one was actually used, a clear voice is good enough smiley - winkeye

smiley - rose

I've said this before but...

Post 19

Mu Beta

OK...I just thought it'd add a bit of gravitas to the occasion.smiley - smiley


I've said this before but...

Post 20


Yeah, but then you have to start worrying about being organised and all that, and for twenty people, as you're likely to know working with sound, you don't really need any amplification.

smiley - rose

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