Furries, the Furry Community (concept draft)
Created | Updated Mar 30, 2002
But on the internet you'll find the term has a much wider meaning. Ranging from people who are fans of such cartoons, or novels about talking animals, up to people who like to dress up in costumes, called 'Fursuits", or whom practice almost fanatical attatude twards animal rights.
Log into one of manny Furry MUCKs or chat areas, and find yourself a fur, he or she will typicly be a an animal who walks upright, has a human shape, but is still covered with fur. Ususaly they'll be a common animal like a cat, a dog, a fox or a wolf. You'll ocasonaly come across the more unususal branches of the food chain, as well as hybrids, and mythical creatures, also don't be surpised to meet the very rare, *gasp* human being.
However, tell that fur any particular defnition of furrism, and he or she will likely rip you a new hole.
The only bonding defniton of a Furry is in some way relatiing to animal characterizations. For some their 'furry self' is jsut a character to roleplay, or perhaps a character they write stories about. For others, it's a guardian spirit, a split personaly, or it IS them, atleast that's what they've convinced themselvs.
Same goes for the type of person the fur is, Alot of furs are very open and friendy, phsysicly affetionate, a hug between two perfect strangers isn't unususal. Other's simply go around fur worlds looking for furry cybersex (called Yiff). But just like the real world, there are the jerks, the self-righteous, and the all-around asshole.
Furries are a very diverse group of people, just like any other fandom on the Internet. If your at all into animals, there's bound to be something in there for you.