POEM: The Present Situation, Part 1

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copyright January 13, 2002
all rights reserved

innovations illuminate my pathetic lifestyle
online gaming and chatting ruffle my curt attitude
gibberish more please blah blah blahs forever.

What if...
it all falls down?
the life and money disappear?
our future is torn away without a blink?

No one seems to understand
the pretense we show
how we make believe it is all

But is it?
Should we believe in the
potential falsehood of our
leaders' passion for money?

Extrapolations galore expound upon our lives:
rumors and queasiness of heart.

The joke is a fart
in the nostril of the workers
who cannot stand even the
sweet smell of a cherry pastry
as it overpowers the mind
and the heart strains in pain and fear.

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