Poly Cystic Ovaries Symdrome

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This Entry About Poly Cystic Ovaries Symdrome <star>
What causes PCOS?in 1935 when poly cysti ovaries symdrome was first described as a condition by Drs stein and Leventhal,
there was great debate as what caused it, stein and Leventhal thought
it was probably due to hormonal inbalance.
Today the debate continues, and no one is quite sure causes Poly Cystic Ovaries Symdrome.
Elevated levels of Luteninzing Hormone (LH)have been found in some but not all Women with (Poly Cystic Ovaries Symdrome).

elevated levels of testosterone are also associated with
Poly Cystic Ovaries Symdrome and its symptoms.
Testostrone inhibits ovulation and causes mentrual irregularity.
But the general consensus is that inappropirate levels of LH and Testostrone are again,symptoms rather than cause of
Poly Cystic Ovaries Symdrome.

Recent research into the cause of Poly Cystic Ovaries Symdrome has focused on why some women with PCOS have eleavated levels of insulin. it is probable that the elevated insulin levels found in women with this illness do not promote androgen production by ovaries and contributes to all mentrual disturbances common in Women with PCOS , but not all women with this Illness have elevated levels of insulin, it is a single cause of the problem.
Is a complex disorder generated by a number of factors it is well known that
**Poly Cystic Ovaries Symdrome** seems to run throught in families which has led scientists to suggest that genes
controlling androgen and insulin production may play a main role in PCOS However other genetic factors may affect the type and severity of the symptoms exsperienced as well in addition environmental
issues as duet,lifestyle,weight,pollution also play important roles in the development and control of symptoms.

What are the symptoms?The following symptomss are overweight , irregular or absent periods, acne,infertillty and an over growth of **facial or body hair** are thought to be the classic signs of **PCOS** ( i should know as i have had it for 18 years without knowing aparently since i was a child passed down to me from my *father* as it's a well known factor the *male gene* gave us women Poly Cystic Ovaries Symdrome men with hairloss pass gene down through there blood onto female offspring,Other.

symptoms to PCOS fatigue, joint pain, hair loss.(tender breasts seeping white blood fluid, bloating,diabetes with insulin resistance *mood swings* and **depression**, *dizziness*, **increased tendency to faint**, periods for 14 days maybe on for 3 mnths or less weight problems can only loose weight with diet pill off <doctor>
Treatment.Hormone tablet's, swimming**Multivitiamins**.

Eat plenty garlic start a none dairy diet one week then restart the week after, eat plenty veg, fresh fruit,drink 12 glasses water a day, take feminax tablets to stop period pains try yoga.

Take up a hobbie anythink to take your mind off Poly Cystic Ovaries Symdrome .

Useful Info On Poly Cystic Ovaries Symdrome
if you want know more,
pcos website address.

support PCOS as Women Like Us Need a Cure.
Women's Condition's 1 and 1/2

wear a<star>support Poly cystic ovaries symdrome.

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