Things to do on the Internet
Created | Updated Sep 21, 2005
So you come online one thursday evening and think - "What shall I do?"
The internet is extremely large, and there are millions of things to do, yet people still get bored and have nothing to do when they come online.
Well, that will be no more. This entry looks at many different things that you can do whenever you go online.
So, the next time you come online, don't sit in front of computer and wonder what to do, look at this entry, and indulge in some of the many activities the internet has to offer.
The best place to begin, is the site that you are indeed on if you are reading this entry, and that is H2G2. It is strange, however, many people do not indulge in the many acivities that this one simple site has to offer.
Write an entry
Whether it be a story, or an attempt at an entry for the edited guide, writing an entry is probably the most obvious thing to do on H2G2. However, it is not the only option available.
Participate in conversations
The main aim of the site may be to create a guide to life, the universe, and everything, but a large number of researchers use the site primarily, or only, for the community and conversation.
Write a journal entry
A journal entry is a guide way to keep a journal, but can also be interesting to other people, and can start some interesting conversations. A journal entry gives you the chance interact with the community, and to say what you feel in a special loation that is just for you.
Start or join a group
There are a large number of groups and clubs on H2G2, which gives you the chance to not only interact with the community, but to also be part of something. Of course, if there is not a group you would like to join, you can always start a new one by creating a guide entry and getting people to have a look at it and join the group. Starting a new group is like starting a new community on H2G2.
Become a volunteer
There are many H2G2 volunteer groups you can join including Aces, Gurus and Scouts. By joining these volunteer groups, you can help the H2G2 Editors and enjoy yourself at the same time.
Whatever you decide to do on H2G2, it is certainly a great place to do many activities, and use up a lot of time on the internet. It has been noted, that H2G2 can sometimes become addictive, and therefore, if you wish to spend a lot of time here, you are advised to have an anytime internet connection, so that you do not waste money by being on h2G2.
It would be very wrong to spend all your time on H2G2, when there are many more good web sites under the DNA system, and they should certainly provide a nice change to the colour and atmosphere of H2G2.
The great feature about all the other DNA sites is, if you are already a member of one, you are a member of all of them, and do not have to re-register. This feature means that it is very easy to get involved with other DNA site without having to go through a slow and boring registration process again and again for each one.
Other DNA sites include a Cult site for fans of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and a site called Collective for reviews of things like movies and dvds.
And one must not forget the Hub, which provides useful information for anyone wanting to know more about the DNA system.
All the DNA sites are of course on the BBC, and it would be unfair to ignore all the other great BBC sites that there are. There is an sextremey large range of BBC sites, so instead of listing them all in one place, they will appear in many different sections throughout this entry. Of course, you can find out about some of the brilliant BBC sites by simply going to the BBC Homepage.
Pornography, porno, or porn. It's everywhere. In magasines. In Newspapers. In posters. And mostly, on the Internet. There are more porn websites on the Internet then any other type. More Internet users look at porn websites then any other website. It is the most popular Internet industry in the world.
Yet, not that many people would jump to admit they look at porn.
What do you do on the internet?
comment at the bottom of this page and your comments will be used in a collaborative entry.