
3 Conversations

A medium sized industrial town to the NW of Birmingham, Wolverhampton started existance as a market
town in 979 (do we still remember the millenium mugs from 1979?). Played a major part in the Industrial
Revolution and became a center to engineering including early manufacture of bicycles,
motorbikes and locks. Fell on bad times due to the intervention of Margaret Thatcher, and in the last
few years has reinvented itself as amongst other things, a nightlife centre for the Midlands.

Reacable by train and bus from the rest of the Midlands, usefully for the visitor most
of the exciting attractions are clustered around Queens Square and Litchfield Street. The hybrid
Bar / Club is all the rage. Try Peppers or Rockwells. For a slighty more traditional experience
Yates Wine Lodge. Spit, sweat and sawdust junkies can try the Feline and Firkin or the Posada.

Curry is of course the best in local cusine. Try the Standard on Cleveland St for the traditional
curry house, or the ever expanding selection of balti houses.

Of course its not just all beer, curry and grim accents. Visit the Art Gallery for a Cultural Experience!
Or enjoy the post modern architecture of the Mander Center, or the regency elegance of Beatties,
a traditional department store.

And for sports fans there is an inevitable pilgrimage to Molinuex, home of Wolverhampton
Wanderers Football Club.

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