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2nd, Feb 2006, Aisha sign in to the Indian matrimonial site with a plan to delete her profile. While going through the responses, she received; she was in a disturbed mood. She couldn't make up her mind for any of the responses, as many were from abroad.

She always planned to stay back to her home town, due to specific reasons. Before the deletion she just glanced at the current responses, and one of the profile's wordings "I don't want to marry a princess because I am not a Prince...." grabbed her attention. She changed her decision and wanted to give a second thought to this response. After a thorough study of the profile she accepted the response for future correspondence. In return a cell number was forwarded, this encouraged her to contact further.

Aisha, a dusky, petite, bubbly, simple and educated girl with high thinking is unique in every matter, according to her nearest and dearest. She is duty conscious and responsible girl. When teenagers fantasized about their Prince, she dreamt of being supportive to her father in every respect.

The blossom period of her age was engaged in earning, learning, reading and collecting information about all the dimensions of life. She romanced only with her work and responsibility.

Aisha suppressed all her basic instincts due to vivid reasons.She wanted to forget the notion, behind the creation of Eve, by God. She is least bothered about her health and looks, though she always thanked Almighty for her unique and sharp features, which distinguished her among the human crowd, as many were not even blessed with this.

9th Feb 2006, was the day when all her feelings were awaken from the deep sleep by a soft knock on her heart, by Shams, a real human met on the matrimonial site.

As decided earlier, she thought not to awake, let it rest for ever. But the second knock was a bang on her heart, which created a positive effect. The precious words of Shams forced open the rusted door to welcome him for ever. Fresh air of beautiful human values entered, spreading the sweet smell of love, sincerity, faith and compassion. Within an hour a feeling of transition was rushing through her mind and heart.

Her emotions were ignited by Shams through his wordings. The proverb "Pen is mightier than the sword," was once again proved true. His valuable appreciation for her qualities made her believe that, yes, some rarest human beings does exist; who values internal qualities rather than external; who values pure, pious and innocent hearts; who values humanity and not money.

Within one week's span they were whole heartedly in love with each other. Aisha never met personally, but his presence is marked near her heart, whisphering about the beautiful life ahead with a progeny.

And today both of them planned to be in each others arms for ever,unmoved by the seasons of life, whether be it a sunny day or a shower, determined to follow the notion -- be happy and let others be happy.

And, yes, Aisha deleted her profile, not as a failure, but with a winners smile!

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