2002 Home Page

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<p><link href="http://www.asterlil.com/mstein.htm">My waistcoat of arms</link><footnote>As done by Asteroid Lil, what a genius she is, and now an official Duchess of Munchkinstein (here's hoping we get to put offsite pictures back on one day)</footnote> General opening blurb to appear on all the different DNA sites, might even say something about me eventually</p>
<SITE NAME="h2g2"/>
<STRONG><PICTURE BORDER="0" BLOB="B1915529blue" EMBED="right" ALT="Not obsessed at all me" />And Now! Fresh from his record breaking tour of the bin sheds of Denniston!<br/>
The Master of Wit!<br/>
The First Man to Succesfully Map the Genome of a Squid while Wearing a Tutu and Learning Esperanto!<br/>
A Cerise with Silver Sequins Belt in Origami!<br/>
Quite Possibly the Shortest Man to come out of the Publishing Houses of Ursa Minor! <br/>
Yes, The One! The Only! Munchkin, the Wonder Oyster!</STRONG></p>

<HEADER> Welcome to The People's Democratic Web Republic of Munchkinstein</HEADER>

<P><LINK H2G2="
u55447?skin=classic"><PICTURE BORDER="0" BLOB="B814643bluef" EMBED="left" ALT="Ooo look, I've been blobbed" /></LINK> Come in, Come in. Have a wander, sit in the comfy chairs, dip your protuberances in the
liquid of your choice and generally relax. However, please don't touch this, the squirrels get annoyed.<BR />I is
Munchkin, and have decided to say a little about myself. I was born in Paisley in 1974, spent the first eighteen months of my life in Beith in Ayrshire and then moved to Dumbarton in Dunbartonshire<footnote>Deliberate spelling. I wonder how long ago that got cocked up then?</footnote>. Rapidly approaching the age of eight my dad became one of the victims of Margaret Thatchers economic policies and we moved to Darvel, Ayrshire, where he took up running a newsagent. He finally got bored of that in 1992 and moved a whole mile away to become a producer of tartan tat, but at that point I moved to Glasgow to start University. Seven years later I finally left uni, having spent most of my time in the Sci-Fi society and not working on my physics/electronics/phaffing with PCs degrees, and moved to Guildford, Surrey<footnote>Over five hundred miles away</footnote> to start a proper job as an IT guy. I have now been ITing for two years and, much to my surprise, graduated last July as Doctor Munchkin, which comes with two days a year of Government sanctioned smugness. I have also recently acquired Canadian citizenship so that may well be my next step. I am obsessed with Sci-Fi (especially Dr. Who) and waste a lot of money on conventions.<br/>Oh yes, and I'm quite short rightly too.<br/> However, please feel free to peruse my links<LINK H2G2="A372773"> here</LINK>, although I haven't added anything new or exciting in ages.<BR />Also, if you are feeling particularly worried about something, may I recomend the government sanctioned <LINK H2G2="A372557">mystic</LINK>. He has a spangly ball and everything.<BR />Also highly recomended is the <LINK h2g2="a292619">State Pub Quiz</LINK></P>
<p>Its the <POPUPCONVERSATIONS>Conversation Pop up tool</POPUPCONVERSATIONS>. How useful is this.<br/><link h2g2="thepost">The Post</link> definately worth a read. Also home to Wowbaggers H2G2 Life cartoon, which I appeared in <link h2g2="A695900">once</link> <br/>
<BR />I have acquired an ICQ number 84511864 for what that is worth.Even more impressive, I've got a working copy of the program on my home PC now, so I will actually show up as online occasionally!<br/>And now, by the power of <link href="http://www.trillian.cc/">Trillian</link>, I also have access to MSN Messenger ([email protected]) and Yahoo Messenger (munchkinstein) and AIM (docmunchkinstein).</p>

<ITEM-LIST NAME="Munchie_friends">
<FIRSTITEM>Quick, to somewhere more exciting</FIRSTITEM>
<ITEM BIO="U182468">My travelling alter ego, when I forget my password</ITEM> <ITEM
BIO="U147883">Zantic</ITEM> <ITEM
BIO="U179952">Toccata</ITEM> <ITEM
BIO="U145986">Pheroneous, when he is about</ITEM> <ITEM
BIO="U25551">Bruce (who created this)</ITEM> <ITEM
BIO="U96742">Duncan Jones</ITEM> <ITEM
BIO="U166140">Jamie</ITEM> <ITEM
BIO="U37312">Wumbeevil</ITEM> <ITEM
BIO="U14977">Babel-17</ITEM> <ITEM
BIO="U81931">Asteroid Lil</ITEM> <ITEM
BIO="U93295">Gw7en</ITEM> <ITEM
BIO="U55494">Phil</ITEM> <ITEM
BIO="U24">Peta</ITEM> <ITEM
H2G2="Login">Login</ITEM> <ITEM
H2G2="Team">h2g2 Team</ITEM> <ITEM
H2G2="thepost">The Post</ITEM>

<p>In an off-site sort of way, I am part of the Off-site Topic Drift, en email discussion group made up of people from H2G2. <PICTURE SRC="http://asterlil.home.sprynet.com/OTD_GOO.GIF" ALIGN="LEFT" BORDER="NONE" SIZE="50%" SHADOW="NONE"/> Why not talk to <link h2g2="U81931">Lil</link> about joining if you never want to get away from us.</p>
<p>I am building a page of photo links <link href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/A686892">here</link> for those interested.
<link href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/360/360/U55447">The 360 me</link></p>
<SITE NAME="360"/>
<HEADER> Welcome to the 360 version of Munchkin's Home Space</HEADER>

<P><PICTURE BORDER="0" BLOB="B814643bluef" EMBED="left" ALT="Ooo look, I've been blobbed" /> Come in, Come in. Have a wander, sit in the comfy chairs, and feel free to chat about whatever is your thing. I'll probably have an ill informed opinion on it.<BR />I is
Munchkin<footnote>Sticking to my Hootoo name on this more serious and cerebral 360 version as my real name is confusingly the same as one of those involved in the microlite malarkey</footnote>, and have decided to say a little about myself. I was born in Paisley in 1974, spent the first eighteen months of my life in Beith in Ayrshire and then moved to Dumbarton in Dunbartonshire<footnote>Deliberate spelling. I wonder how long ago that got cocked up then?</footnote>. Rapidly approaching the age of eight my dad became one of the victims of Margaret Thatchers economic policies and we moved to Darvel, Ayrshire, where he took up running a newsagent. He finally got bored of that in 1992 and moved a whole mile away to become a producer of tartan tat, but at that point I moved to Glasgow to start University. Seven years later I finally left uni, having spent most of my time in the Sci-Fi society and not working on my physics/electronics/phaffing with PCs degrees, and moved to Guildford, Surrey<footnote>Over five hundred miles away</footnote> to start a proper job as an IT guy. I have now been ITing for two years, live in Woking and, much to my surprise, graduated last July as Doctor Munchkin, which comes with two days a year of Government sanctioned smugness. I have also recently acquired Canadian citizenship so that may well be my next step. I am obsessed with Sci-Fi (especially Dr. Who) and waste a lot of money on conventions.<br/>Oh yes, and I'm quite short rightly too.<br/></P>
<p>Its the <POPUPCONVERSATIONS>Conversation Pop up tool</POPUPCONVERSATIONS>. How useful is this.<br/><link h2g2="thepost">The Post</link> definately worth a read. <br/>
<BR />I have acquired an ICQ number 84511864 for what that is worth.Even more impressive, I've got a working copy of the program on my home PC now, so I will actually show up as online occasionally!<br/>And now, by the power of <link href="http://www.trillian.cc/">Trillian</link>, I also have access to MSN Messenger ([email protected]) and Yahoo Messenger (munchkinstein) and AIM (docmunchkinstein).<br/>
<link href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/U55447">The H2G2 me</link></p>
<SITE NAME="collective"/>
Well, I'm more of a retro chap but modern stuff that gets me includes; Coldplay, Aimee Mann, The books of Christopher Brookmyre and Christopher Nolan films. See if I can think of more later.


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