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A native inhabitant of the Antarctic, the penguin is a largish black-and-white bird that spends a large part of its life in the frigid waters surrounding its home. Most of us know the penguin better as immortalized in the Monty Python sketch, "The Penguin on the Television," in which a penguin promptly explodes. This is truly classic television. Most any program in which a largish bird is exploded deserves to be recorded and watched endlessly. Fun for the entire family! These birds are intreaguing creations, if not rather stupid. They are know to wander the streets aimlessly looking for the optomotrist's and asking complete strangers if they find thier tails to be presumtuous. If this ever happens to you, do not show fear! It makes them crazy. Lower your eyes to the ground and back away slowly. Once you get far enough out of their range, turn and run like hell.

When encountered in the wild, Penguins tend to appear friendly and cute. This is a brilliant ploy that has taken them years to perfect. When you let your guard down, they will use their inherent fluffiness to get close to you. Once they've exposed your soft underbelly, it's all over for you. The flock in like a pack of rabid hyenas and rip you to shreds. So when you're in Antarctica, watch your back.

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