Star constellations -Corona Borealis
Created | Updated May 13, 2013
Corona Borealis The Northern Crown
There is a more standardized h2g2as version of this page
at A946802 what follows below is the earlier version.

Before the advent of city lights drowning out the heavens there were men who walked this earth and looked up in wonder at the night sky. They connected the dots of light above them and created pictures in the mind. Some of these creations gained widespread acceptance and were taught by Magi and others. Today 88 of these Constellations are internationally accepted. You can find a list of them on external sites like
this one.
This article deals with a Northern Constellation. For more on Constellations see
the Legg M S planetarium pageINsert here
Genitive: Coronae Borealis
short form CrB
Area 179 Square Degrees.
The seven major stars of this group form a recognizable crown such as a princess would wear.
According to Mythology it once belonged to Ariadne the daugher of King MinosSon of Zeus King of Crete.
She had been abandoned on the Island of
and according to one version along came the greek god of wine Dionysus who tossed her crown into the heavens to show off.
She was so impressed that she married him.
This Constellation stands near Boötes and includes a cluster of galaxies which
average 1.2 x 109 light years away.
This entry is part of the
h2g2as constellations project.
Star | Name | Brightness (m) | Distance (lightyears) | Remarks |
α CrB | Alphecca | 2.21 to 2.32 | 36 | Variable Star |
β CrB | Nusakan | 3.68 | 219 | from arabic |
γ CrB | .... | 3.8 to3.86 | 140 | variable |
δ CrB | --- | 4.57-4.69 | 165 | --- |
ε CrB | ..... | 4.14 | 225 | --- |
ζ CrB | ..... | 4.6 | 470 | --- |
θ CrB | .... | 4.16 | 300+ | --- |
ρ CrB | no common name | 5.41 | 56.8 | has a planet |
see footnote...*