The "who is the best witch" debate 2003

1 Conversation

This is the guide entry for the who is the best witch debate, I'll write the entry later and the diary will show any revealations that occoured.

The winner of Great Witch debate 2003 will have the above average skills of your average witch in power, knolwedge and ability

WitchCan be seen in...No. of votes
Willow RosensbergBuffy: the Vampire Slayer5
Hermione GrangerHarry Potter5
Sabrina SpellmanSabrina: the Teenage Witch5
TaraBuffy: the Vampire Slayer4
Granny WeatherwaxDiscworld3
FenellaChorlton and the Wheelies3
PalagaraThe Belgariad and Mallorean series2
"Witch"Monty Python2
Professor McgonagallHarry Potter1
SarahFILM: The Craft1
Serafina PekkalaHis Dark materials1
Sabrina's auntiesSabrina: the Teenage Witch1
Wicked witchThe Wizard of Oz1
Evil EdnaWillo The Wisp1
HeldaWild Hunt1

20/01/03 - debate activated

30/01/03 - Sabrina takes the lead over Hermione

01/02/03 - Hermione takes the lead over Sabrina

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