Duty Free Lounges

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I have come to the conclusion that the x-ray machines that scan your luggage for weapons of mass destruction also scramble travellers brains - at least for a limited amount of time. The evidence to support this comes from the fact that, what appear to be, sane people, spend lots of money in Duty Free lounges at Airports.

Apart from the ciggies and drinks, just about everything else seems to be hideously over-priced. Well above what you'd pay in the local supermarket. Duty free it may be, but the goods certainly are not free of a hefty additional contribution to someone's profits.

If thre was a competition for 'worst value for money' in an airport departure lounge, I'd have to give Nice airport serious consideration. Even a humble Mars bar is €3 !!!!!

I'm sure there are some airports where you really get good value for money. Contributions in this regard, would, I'm sure, be most welcome.

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