Buridan's Paradox
Created | Updated Jun 21, 2013
"Speak your Truth," he intones.
So what d'ya do?
An interesting alternative to saying "1+1=2" is for you to proceed as follows:-
"You're definitely going to chuck me on the jaggy rocks!"
"Not necessarily, I could choose not to."
"Are you calling me a liar? If you are, you'd better chuck me on the jaggy rocks."
"Okay, then."
"Hang on, you're about to chuck me on the jaggy rocks like I said you would!"
"Yeah, you were telling the truth, then. Pass, friend!"
"Thanks. But since you haven't chucked me on the jaggy rocks it seems I was lying all along!" And then you run for it!
Buridan link: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/buridan/
Oh, by the way, this paradox illustrates that future conditionals have no truth value.
Another example of this can be found in A609572:
If God is omnipotent, he should be able to create a stone that he can't lift; but if he can't then lift it, how can he be omnipotent?
General Paradox link: A581096