why pick on scunthorpe?

2 Conversations

Scunthorpe is quite a nice place, despite what the press thinks. Whenever scunthorpe is mentioned on TV it is in a disparaging way. Why is this I ask my self, often two/three times a day? Is it a polluted as london? NO! Is it as crime ridden as London? NO! Is it full of southerners like london? NO!(only kidding!!!) Why does scunthorpe get picked on at all times then. I asked a friend of mine from Leeds this aswell as one from Oxford and they both said the same thing (well similar. If they'd said the same thing it would have been damn strange and they'd be ex friends). They blamed scunthorpes bad press on...............its name!!! Just because it isn't as attractive a name as kettleness or keswick it gets picked on. I accepted this point for around 2 days ( it could have been 3 actually. Bit hazy.). Then i realised that this was completely wrong. There are plenty of towns with worse names. Near whitby is a village called Uglebarnby. UGLEBARNBY for christs sake. Do people in such eminent films as full monty say: "she'll go far" "Aye, as far as Uglebarnby!" NO. They pick on scunthorpe instead. That film was based in Sheffield. SHEFFIELD. And they tried to say that scunthorpe was a dump! I spit on sheffield and fart in its general direction. Its mother was a hampster and its father smelt of elderberries, now go away before i taunt you some more.

Scunthorpes name is actually a changed form of its original which was Escunatorp, from the Viking meaning 'Skuma's village'. (found that out on the edited version of scunthorpe. Knew it was something like that!) We've got one of the best cinemas in the country (no joke - brand new UCI with reclining seats!) Our museum won awards for being the best independant small museum. We have an outstanding new art gallery (called 20/21 for some reason check out picture 58. My friend did that and it is great.) There are many things in the surrounding area aswell, including Normanby Hall.

Visit Scunthorpe and see for yourself. It's not called the industrial gardening town of Lincolnshire for nothing.

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