Rock, Paper, Scissors

1 Conversation


Rock, Paper, Scissors is one of those games that you siblings nag about on long car rides. The rules are simple and are as follows:
  1. Move fist up and down while chanting "Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot!"
    (Shoot bears no relevancy to the game, other than to make each other aware that it is, in fact, time to go to the next step)
  2. Each player chooses one of the three handsigns
    1. Rock Beats: Scissors Loses to: Paper
    2. Paper Beats: Rock Loses to: Scissors
    3. Scissors Beats: Paper Loses to: Rock
  3. the winner is the one who has the sign that beats the other person's


There are a few schools of thought on play.

Two Out of Three

Due to its simplistic nature and ease of play, Rock, Paper, Scissors is often used to settle disputes. In many such cases, multiple rounds are played and the person who wins the majority of rounds1 is declared the winner. If a person acheives the designated number of matches won before the number of possible matches2, that person is declared the winner and the remaining rounds are not played.


Additional hand gestures, often referred to by unexpecting adversaries as 'cheating' are also sometimes used. One example of such a modification is adapting 'Shoot' to be a hand pretending to be a gun. This, to the best of the researcher's knowledge has no known counter-gesture.

Another unofficial sign is 'Dynamite', which supposively has the power of destroying the opponants sign. Dynamite is not a valid choice of sign.

Players should also take note that Rock and Scissors are sometimes used agressively by desperate players and/or small children. They may claim that their respective hand sign is capable of triumph over your own gesture and attempt to prove it logically. The player should keep in mind that rules should be agreed upon beforehand so that no discrepancies or life-long feuds derive from play.


"The World RPS Society is the worldwide governing body of the sport of RPS. It provides overall direction, guidance and policy control with a goal of promoting the sport to a wider audience. It is supported by a standard operational branch, local, regional, national and international office structure with offices in most countries around the globe. It's World Headquarters is located in Toronto, Canada at Trinity Square Plaza. (Soon to be moving to Trinity Square Towers). It plans and executes, tournaments, conferences, symposiums, retreats and get togethers all over the globe."

To the suprise of most, and the dismay of some, there are Rock, Paper, Scissors tournaments and documented strategy.

1(2 of 3, 3 of 5, 5 of 9)2Eg. Wins two matches in a two out of three round

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