221b Baker Street : The Detective Agency

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Terran's Detective Agency

You walk up to the door of the old Victorian house, and knock on the door. As the house maid lets you in you can hear a violin being played...badly. He continues for a few seconds until he notices you in the doorway (you inwardly sigh a sigh of relief that you no longer have to listen to it). He walks towards you and shakes your hand :-

"Ah hello sir! I am Randolf Andrew Charles Sherlock Terran II, but I usually answer to Mr Terran. Since you are here I assume you are aware that I run a detective agency, and I look forward to hearing what crime you have witnessed or would like me to solve. Please leave your name, and the nature of the crime and I will think it over. Of course if you are applying for the vacant assistant post then again leave your details, and your credentials"

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