Duckman Industries Security Force

7 Conversations

The D.I.S.F.
The D.I.S.F. is divided into two forces.
  1. Ground Troops
  2. Navy

Ground Troops

The Ground troops is the army of Duckman Industries, you are responsible for security in the factory and outlaying shops, testing of new ground weapons, and helping the compony to reach its goal in various, activities.
You are responible for all sea and space bound forces of the compony, and making sure that all our intrests in those areas to remain safe.
The perks of being in the Navy
Upon entry into the navy you are given a Starfighter* or a small gunboat* and as you rise in the ranks you are givin command of a fleet ship equal to that of your rank. An if you go high enough you will eventually gain command of an entire fleet.

The DISF roster.

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