The Human Brain

2 Conversations

The human brain is a largish collection of nerve cells contained in roughly half of human skulls. At one time it was widely believed that this organ was necessary to human life, but after the discovery that many of those doing said believing in fact were missing such an organ, they were set straight on this matter. The human brain is said to have nearly infinite (possibly just a bit less) creative potential, and some have even mentally created entire other universes in which they reside without societal consequence--[see SANITY, or lack thereof.] Each individual human brain fleshily encases one or more human consciousness, protecting the thoughts of the individual from dangerous radiation from distant quasars and not so distant microwave ovens.

It is generally considered a good practice to keep your brain healthy and in good shape. This can be accomplished by a wide range of mental activities, including: reading, writing, strategy games, meditation, pondering the meaning of it all, or pondering the meaning of what's left over after you've figured it all out. The sad majority of human brains are grossly underdeveloped and atrophied, giving rise to the massively unpleasant and psychotic behavior of society as a whole.

Although few people actually get around to it very often during their busy lives, a good brain massage and washing in a mild detergent are not things that should be ignored entirely.

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