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“That which we call a rose by any other word, would smell as sweet…”

What would a rose be by another name, another color, or shape? What makes a rose a rose in the first place? Is it the unique scent, the shades, or the way it stands prominent amongst the other flowers? A rose is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. Not to mention the very emblem of Love, beauty, and passion. But what makes this flower so different?

The scent of a rose is a very unique sweet fragrance. In the Middle Ages, Christians believed the very scent of a rose indicated the presence of angels. To the Greeks this perfume is associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. The scent of the rose can vary slightly between different kinds of roses. The red rose is thought to have the richest fragrance.

The color also varies from “rose kind” to “rose kind”. Some are red, white, purple, even blue and yellow. There are multicolored roses that vary between all different kinds of colors. The most popular of these would be the famous red rose, which can be found nearly any where during the right seasons. The shades can vary almost as much as the color itself. A rose can vary anywhere between a very deep (almost blood) red to a pale (almost white or pink) kind of red. This all depends on the grower and the buyer’s preference.

The shape of a rose can also vary, but much less. Roses can be open, much like a carnation. Yet they can also appear closed, a shape mainly reserved for the rose. This usually depends on the kind of rose. A closed rose is usually a deep red, darker near the stem. It’s soft and on the petals, and has a peculiar shape. The “bud” of the flower is large and round, as if it conceals a small ball inside the petals. Then it curves in slightly above the middle, until it sweeps back out, giving an elegant “wave” effect.

Consequently one question remains, does this make a rose? Because what would a rose be without the signature shape, unique scent, and beautiful color? Is it just another flower? Whatever the answer, the one thing we know is a rose is a beautiful thing. If it’s unique in its presence, this only adds to the wonder and magnificence of this exquisite flower.

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