Gangster rap
Created | Updated Mar 21, 2003
Politicians spend would millions to get five minutes of air time on radio or TV.
Why can't people get it into their heads this music is PROPAGANDA FOR ABUSE. They know it and they like dancing with gangsters. Just like the rubbish American gangster TV rubbish on channel four is.
We should lock up the evil gangster rappers. They sing about getting away and committing abuse and evil and then when the cops come round they go "Oh no it's nothing to with me" Let's stop falling for their lies.
At the very least it gives support moral support to abusers. It tells them what they do is cool. It doesn't let them feel guilt at their abuse. Multinational music companies that deal in this evil should be treated like Enron.
All those horrible women that fancy Eminem for being a bad boy should get locked up or worse. See how they like being abused. I hate them. People who abuse should get locked up not treated like heroes.