Star Trek X

1 Conversation

Well, the long awaited 10th installment of the Star Trek franchise has finally arrived, and to my dissapointment does not follow in the trend of the other 'even numbers' of the series.
The opening shot of space and the fx with the titles, suggest that Star Trek Nemesis is going to be a blockbuster. The film starts with the unsual in-house jokes, that only really Trek fans would appreciate. Then they get down to the serious stuff and have to go on their mission. The story starts to look quite interesting, but about a third of the way through it slows down and almost comes to a stop.
The end was good, with clever effects and a great soundtrack, but it all came too late to save the film.
Even hardened fans such as myself were starting to wonder just what had gone wrong with this installment.
As mentioned earlier, the soundtrack is another wonderful compilation from Jerry Goldsmith with his music really capturing the imagination.
With a lesser soundtrack I think the film would have seemed even worse.
Amanda out.

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