What is a Stagehand?

1 Conversation

My name is Doc and I am a stagehand. A card-carrying member of I.A.T.S.E. Local #9. This entry will be a perpetual work in progress where I shall attempt to answer the subject question. Any help would be greatly appreciated.The Basics

Stagehands work on a stage (duh). But not always. Sometimes, we work under a stage. Sometimes we work in front of the stage. Mostimes, we work behind a stage and sometimes, there is nary a stage in sight. You see how complicated this can get? Perhaps a few links will help......Life as a Stagehand
I.A.T.S.E. Home Page
The Tao Te Tech
1501 Broadway
Song of the Stagehands
I do hope they helped. I'll add more as I find them.What do stagehands do?
Carpenters build sets (more)
Electricians wire lights (more)
Riggers hang weight (more)
Audio Engineers stack speakers (more)
Loaders load and unload trucks (not really much more to this)
Pushers push.
Deckhands scurry about in the dark (more)
Cable Pagers coil cable (more)
Spot Ops run spotlights
Vidiots (video-idiots) stay out of the way (more)
And there's more: Stagehands lay carpet, set booths for conventions and trade shows, Assemble hockey rinks and even whole arenas. And yes, sometimes we build stages.
More to come.......

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