A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1281

Evoot - Back in Black!!

Mrs loupp

tee hee hee about ur name ,lol


shame smiley - sadfacesmiley - blue

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1282

Reality Manipulator

Clairey I have had to change my name to get loup's attention. I have asked him for nearly month to post over here but he has not. I was even promised a photo of him back in March and I even sent one of myself in May, even though it took me 2 and half hours even with the help of the library staff. I had to book the time at the library and I was going to the Basildon hospital etc with various appointments. I had to use that very valuable time, when I could be relaxing.smiley - hug


The Folders bar# 21

Post 1283

Reality Manipulator

Cuddly I have had white label but it makes me tummy go smiley - weird and I do not like the taste much.smiley - smiley

mrs loup.dargent

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1284

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

missy yeah it is but works more important rings in the smiley - 2cents cash lol..

ne1 wanna help wiv a ton of husework smiley - steam lol..

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1285

Reality Manipulator

Cuddly I have some Star Wars domestic droids that could help you with your house work.smiley - hug

mrs kat loup.dargent

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1286

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

doup.largent tack bhen?

smiley - ale

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1287

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

kat could b doing with them then hun im too tired tday smiley - smiley and my 2 smiley - cats are always in way of the hoover weg lmao xx

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1288

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

jab is that telepests high tech gear which crashes on us often lmao would u like a smiley - alesmiley - smileysmiley - hug

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1289

Evoot - Back in Black!!



The Folders bar# 21

Post 1290

Reality Manipulator

JAB loup is posting here, except here.smiley - hug

Cuddly when I was a little I was petrified of hoovers. I thought they ate people up.smiley - hug

mrs kat loup.dargent

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1291

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

well im off now fooooood hmmm smiley - biggrin catchya all laters smiley - lovesmiley - hugz smiley - rosesmiley - run >>>

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1292

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

kat i accidently sucked the cats nose into the hose wen i was hoovering behind the settee never knew she was there smiley - laugh poor thing now she runs wen its switched on smiley - winkeye

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1293

Tommy t

hi wolfie xxx

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1294

Evoot - Back in Black!!



smiley - ale

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1295

Reality Manipulator

Hi Katsmiley - smiley
Hi Cuddlysmiley - smiley
Hi Tommysmiley - smiley


The Folders bar# 21

Post 1296

Evoot - Back in Black!!



The Folders bar# 21

Post 1297

Evoot - Back in Black!!



The Folders bar# 21

Post 1298

Reality Manipulator

Hi Clairey, still no sign of my husband mr loup.dargent.smiley - smiley

mrs kat loup.dargent

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1299


hi all....ne1 fancy finishin cookin my dinner for me??
I can't be bo bothered and the kids are starvin!! smiley - biggrin

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1300


hi all....ne1 fancy finishin cookin my dinner for me??
I can't be bo bothered and the kids are starvin!! smiley - biggrin

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