A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1101

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

ok ill be an smiley - angel not being rude lol..

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1102

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

heres ur smiley - coffee hun smiley - smiley x

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1103

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

iim on milk lmao heartburns making me feel smiley - ill lol..

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1104


loz ur always an smiley - angel

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1105

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

alexandria u up to much tday then? smiley - devil more like lol..

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1106

Tommy t

i wouldnt mind her legs wrapped roud me.xx

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1107

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

tommy u booted hun smiley - hug

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1108

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

tommy lmao say no more smiley - biggrin

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1109

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

pisd off feeling again lol smiley - blue

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1110

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

tommy ill be foning my sis soon ne msges hehe ill pass ur number on

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1111

Tommy t

no hun on on fone..

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1112

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

tommy to lesley lol..smiley - smiley

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1113

Tommy t

sorry hun was on fone and i`ll say no more ...and tell me wen give her my No so i know shes got it..

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1114

Tommy t

no hun my mum...lol..ait spoke tae les since wed`s

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1115

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

tommy yeah i will hun smiley - smiley x

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1116

Tommy t

how long r her legs remember wot size i am..lmfao..

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1117

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

tommy oops lol thought it was les lmao...

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1118

Tommy t

fkin hooligan neighbours av just left ..

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1119

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

haha rotfl they,l fit round u enough pmsl lol..smiley - winkeye

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1120

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

tommy bomb up their smiley - bleeps lol..

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