A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4621

Reality Manipulator

Alexandria I even had a watch that went backwards.smiley - rofl

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4622


kat did u travel in time lol

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4623

Reality Manipulator

Yes Alexandria I never knew wherever I was coming or going.smiley - rofl

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4624


i once had a watch that went backwards it was a xelor lol

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4625


sorry thars xellor

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4626

Reality Manipulator

Alexandria the watch I had that went backwards was a swatch watch.

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 4627


girls come to my female msn group http://groups.msn.com/noboyzallowed

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 4628

Reality Manipulator

Hi Aleandria I have just made an application to join your forum.smiley - smiley

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 4629


kat i think i got you
if i have you will have a welcome message from me

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 4630


on that email account

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4631

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

Hello everyone,
Have not been on for ages thought i would pop on and say hi! Sorry to butt in on the conversation

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4632


hi em yeah havent seen u for ages y dont u try my all fem msn group link is above somewhere

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4633

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

will do thank you very much.

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4634


thats ok em seem to remember u used to be an ace dint you

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4635

Reality Manipulator

Hi Lil and Alexandria I hope you are both keeping well. It has been very windy day today but thankfully very little rain but still the clouds looked very dark. I hope the weather has not been to bad where you are.smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4636


kat u were still the best ace before you retired lol

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4637

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheerssmiley - taThanks Alexandria for the very kind compliments.smiley - ok

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4638


thats ok u should never of stopped

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4639


hi all a pint of smiley - cider for everyone

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 4640

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersHi Alexandria and thanks for the smiley - cider.smiley - smiley

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