BBBB: The Pub , chapter III.

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The pub was almost empty. Artretia drank her pint and looked at her friends.
Tristin Gerald Bell, or 'TinG Bell', was about 5'5'' tall with frizzy blond hair and dull green eyes. He was 18 years old, and as a result of this, had acne. He was a nice enough person, but he had a tendancie to over emphasise the exaggeration of the feelings associated with certain expressional language. Or is that over exaggerate the emphasis? He was also a genius on the computor.
James Jamie Jamesson , or 'triple J', could only be described as stunning. He was about 6' tall, medium build, just the right amount of muscles, dark hair and his eyes....
Artretia drank her second pint and remembered, painfully, that she had not had any breakfast.
"Can I have some peanuts, please!", she shouted to the bar maid.
"Look", said James,producing a small bottle,"Flying ointment."
Artretia's attention was immediatly turned to the bottle.
She didn't notice James stuff a bar towel into his pocket.
"You mean you just drink that stuff and fly?", babbled Tristin.
"Don't be silly it's highly poisonous.", said Artretia."We don't really fly, we astrally project," James explained.
Artretia thought about the fact she was flying now. The explaination her mother left for it was vague. Something to do with a cup of tea, a time machine and an argument with a teleporter repair man. All it meant to her was that her feet never quite touched the ground. Oh, yes, and losing her Father.
She became aware that a stranger was trying to explain something about alarm clocks and meetings to her in a drunken slur...

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