Life in New Jersey

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Life in New Jersey is very, how should i put this, odd. some people can be very nice to you, and others so incredibly rude that you cant believe it. Except on the highway, where everyone i rude enough to give you the finger when you pass then even though it was entirely reasonable because you put on your turn signal and they were moving at 20 miles an hour when everyone else around them is well over the speed limit. If your traveling into New Jersey from some foreign land like, oh lets say, Washington D.C., pack like someone hopping over the Berlin wall, bring a gun, a knife, food, some mace and other things could ward off a bear. There are some good points to NJ though. like the beach down at Wild Wood(this is and island off the coast of Cape May County, not some demented forest filled with savage wood elves). But dont go anywhere near the cities, their just filled with stray dogs and the homeless. There are places of historical interest. Valley Forge, The Barracks at Trenton, scattered revolutionary battle fields. I know the British reading this won't want to visit these last few places, but that was over 200 years ago and we won so get over it. other than that its a very normal and peaceful place, except for the occasional escaped covict from Rahway state penitentiary, but that cant be helped,and they rarely get as far south as where i live. So on that note i would like to say good bye and send me money, im dead broke.

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