Star Trek - Nemesis

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Star Trek - Nemesis

Enter the Remans

The tenth movie made. Captian Picard(Patrick Stewart) along with the rest of the crew of the Enterprise-E are diverted to attend to a offer of peace from th Romulan Star Empire. On the way, they pick up pieces of an android. This turns out to be one of Data's (Brent Spiner) predecessors created by Dr. Soon. Upon arrrival at Romulus, the Enterprise is confronted by a group of Remans, the Romulans' distant cousin, who are lead by a human. Not just any human, but a clone of none other than Captain picard named Schinzon (Tom Hardy). Chief Engineer Geordi LaForge (Levar Burton) notices a short burst of radiation as the Reman ship's cloak disables. Research of this kind of radiation were banned in the Federation. It is dangerous because it can be fired in a wide beam and kills instantly.

Me, Myself, and I

Picard's clone wasn't made to grow normally. Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates mcFadden) discovers he was engineered to grow rapidly and is dying. It turns out he needs a blood transfusion from Picard in order to live. I won't tell of the escape, it's a good one though.

Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

You ever watched TNG and wished they could fit a better fight scene in? They did. A quick cameo by two Romulan ships that Schinzon dispaches quickly. His ship has overcome the previous disability of not being able to fire while cloaked. The Enterprise must fire blndly and get in a quick shot when it scores a hit. Plenty of torpedoes and phasers for all.


You've probably heard rumors about the ending. I don't want to ruin it. I'd just like to say that it's okay to cry!

Happy Trekking!

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