h2g2 user: Whatever's Top 5 phrases

1 Conversation

1. I'm bored

The classic, never does he realise, NOBODY CARES THAT HE'S BORED. He should get a frickin' hobby.

2. Whatever

While most people tired of this phrase two years ago, the guy hangs onto it. Oh please, "whatever" went out with "wasssup?"

3. *Incoherant slurred ramblings*

Nobody can understand what he says sometimes, and nobody cares. Newcastle: It stays with u.

4. HAHAHAHAHA my particpation level on Kazaa is 6 billion and thirty three!

Now, most people on Kazaa have a participation level of 0. This is because, they purely download and are on for a short amount of time just for downloading. However, this guy, leaves Kazaa on all the time to get a lot of people downloading off him so he can get a high participation level. And gets very excited about it. Sad little man

5. Randy

For no reason whatsoever, whatever likes to blurt out "randy" and smile at boys and act in a very peculiar homo-sexual manner.

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